Spanish Conjugation
Acabar - to finish
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Acostarse - to lie down
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Almorzar - to eat lunch
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Andar - to walk
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Aprender - to learn
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Asistir - to attend
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Ayudar - to help
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Bailar - to dance
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Beber - to drink
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Buscar - to look for
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Caerse - to fall
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Cantar - to sing
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Cerrar - to close
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Cocinar - to cook
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Coger - to grab
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Comenzar - to begin/start
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Comer - to eat
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Compartir - to share
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Comprar - to buy
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Comprender - to understand
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Conocer - to know/ become acquainted with
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Conseguir - to get
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Construir - to construct/build
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Contar - to count/tell
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Correr - to run
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Costar - to cost
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Creer - to believe
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Dar - to give
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Deber - to owe/ought to, must
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Decidir - to decide
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Decir- to say/tell
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Despertarse - to wake up
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Doler - to hurt/ache
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Elegir - to choose/select
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Empezar - to begin/start
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Encender - to light
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Encontrar - to find
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Entender - to understand
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Enviar - to send
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Escribir - to write
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Escuchar - to listen to
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Estar - to be (temporary)
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Estudiar- to study
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Fascinar - to fascinate
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Ganar - to win/earn
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Gustar - to like/please
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Haber - to have (past)
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Hablar - to speak/talk
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Hacer - to do/make
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Ir - to go
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Irse- to leave/go
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Jugar - to play
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Leer - to read
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Levantarse - to get up
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Llevar - to carry/wear
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Llover - to rain
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Mirar - to look at
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Mostrar - to show
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Nacer - to be born
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Nadar - to swim
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Necesitar - to need
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Oír - to hear
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Parecer - to seem/look like
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Pagar - to pay
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Pasar - to pass
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Pasear - to take a walk
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Pedir - to ask for
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Pegar - to hit, stick
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Pensar - to think
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Poder - to be able to/can
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Poner - to put
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Ponerse - to put on
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Practicar - to practice
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Preparar - to prepare
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Querer - to want
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Recibir - to receive
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Recoger - to pick up
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Recomendar - to recommend
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Recordar - to remember
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Romper - to break
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Saber - to know (info)
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Sacar - to take out
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Salir - to leave
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Seguir - to suggest
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Sentarse - to sit down
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Ser - to be (permanent)
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Sonar - to sound
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Sugerir - to suggest
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Suponer - to suppose
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Tener - to have
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Tocar - to touch
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Tomar - to take
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Trabajar - to work
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Traducir - to take out
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Traer - to bring
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Usar - to use
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Vender - to sell
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Venir - to come
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Ver - to see
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Vestirse - to get dressed
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Viajar - to travel
Conjugation Charts and Practice
Vivir - to live
Conjugation Charts and Practice