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Beber Imperfect Tense

Begin your adventure of mastering the verb buscar in the Imperfect Tense with our engaging learning tools. Featuring a detailed verb chart, interactive conjugation exercises, entertaining games, and real-life sentences, our page offers a comprehensive approach to learning buscar. These tools are designed to integrate the verb into your everyday Spanish seamlessly. Navigate the intricacies of Spanish conjugation with ease! Further, refine your skills with our specialized buscar conjugation practice.

Verb Meaning(s): to search, to look for

Verb Chart: Beber Imperfect Tense



I drank (weekly)
I used to drink
I was drinking



we drank (on Thursdays)
we used to drink
we were drinking

(Juana, Juan)


you drank (daily)
you used to drink
you were drinking


(informal Spain)


you all drank (frequently)
you all used to drink
you all were drinking


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you drank (sometimes)
he/she/you used to drink
he/she/you were drinking



they/you (all almost never) drank
they/you all used to drink
they/you all were drinking

Beber Imperfect Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Imperfect Tense

Beber Imperfect Sentence Examples

1. Yo bebía un vaso de leche todas las mañanas.
I used to drink a glass of milk every morning.
2. ¿Tú bebías jugo de naranja o de manzana en el desayuno?
Did you drink orange or apple juice at breakfast?
3. Él bebía agua después de correr cada día.
He drank water after running every day.
4. Ella bebía té caliente cuando leía un libro.
She drank hot tea while reading a book.
5. Usted bebía café mientras trabajaba en la oficina.
You drank coffee while working in the office.
6. Nosotros bebíamos limonada fresca en los días calurosos.
We drank fresh lemonade on hot days.
7. ¿Vosotros bebíais refrescos en las fiestas?
Did you drink sodas at parties? (used only in Spain)
8. Ellos bebían batidos de frutas después del entrenamiento.
They drank fruit smoothies after training.
9. Ellas bebían agua con limón para refrescarse.
They drank lemon water to refresh themselves.
10. ¿Ustedes bebían chocolate caliente en invierno?
Did you drink hot chocolate in winter?