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Construir Preterite Tense

Build your Spanish Preterite Tense skills with the verb construir. Our page provides a detailed conjugation chart, interactive verb games, and practical sentences featuring construir. Enhance your Spanish proficiency and confidently use construir in everyday communication. For more insights into Spanish verbs, check out Spanish verb conjugation. Improve your construir conjugations at our construir conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to build, to construct

Verb Chart: Construir Preterite Tense



I built



we built

(Juana, Juan)


you built


(informal Spain)


you all built


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you built



they/you all built

Construir Preterite Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Preterite Tense

Construir Preterite Sentence Examples

1. Yo construí una maqueta del sistema solar para la clase de ciencias.
I built a model of the solar system for science class.
2. ¿Construiste un castillo de arena en la playa?
Did you build a sandcastle on the beach?
3. Él construyó una casita para su perro.
He built a doghouse for his dog.
4. Ella construyó un jardín en su patio trasero.
She built a garden in her backyard.
5. ¿Construyó Ud. ese estante de libros?
Did you build that bookshelf?
6. Nosotros construimos un fuerte con almohadas y mantas.
We built a fort with pillows and blankets.
7. ¿Construyeron ellos un modelo de puente para la feria de ciencias?
Did they build a bridge model for the science fair?
8. Las chicas construyeron un álbum de recuerdos del colegio.
The girls built a scrapbook of school memories.
9. ¿Construyeron Uds. un robot en el club de tecnología?
Did you all build a robot in the tech club?
10. Vosotros construisteis un huerto en la azotea.
You all (Spain) built a rooftop garden.