Home » Spanish Conjugation » Costar Conjugation » Costar – Present Progressive Tense
Costar Present Progressive Tense
Discover the essence of costar in the Present Progressive Tense with our interactive verb chart, exercises, and sentence examples. See its practical application. Deepen your language skills at our Spanish verbs guide. Practice ‘costar’ on our costar conjugation page.
Verb Meaning(s): to cost
Verb Chart: Costar Present Progressive Tense
A mí | me está costando It is costing me (right now) | A nosotros | nos está costando It is costing us (right now) |
A ti (Juana, Juan) | te está costando It is costing you (right now) | A vosotros (informal Spain) | os está costando It is costing all of you (right now) |
A él/ella/Ud. (Sra./Dr. García) | le está costando It is costing him/her/you (right now) | A ellos/ellas/Uds. | les está costando It is costing them/all of you (right now) |
Costar Present Progressive Tense Practice
Costar Present Progressive Sentence Examples
How much is the biology textbook costing you?
2. A mí me está costando mucho comprar un nuevo teléfono inteligente.
Buying a new smartphone is costing me a lot.
3. ¿Cuánto está costando la entrada para el concierto?
How much is the ticket for the concert costing?
4. A ella le está costando encontrar una computadora a buen precio.
She is finding it expensive to find a computer at a good price.
5. ¿Cuánto nos está costando la excursión escolar?
How much is the school trip costing us?
How much is the car repair costing them?
7. ¿Cuánto te está costando la mensualidad del gimnasio?
How much is the gym membership costing you?
8. A nosotros nos está costando encontrar ofertas de vuelos baratos.
We are finding it costly to find cheap flight deals.
9. ¿Cuánto les está costando la inscripción al club de fútbol?
How much is the football club registration costing them?
10. ¿Cuánto os está costando el alquiler del equipo de esquí (vosotros is used only in Spain)?
How much is renting the ski equipment costing you all?