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Creer Future Tense
Believe in your ability to master creer in the Future Tense and enhance your Spanish with the power of belief! This page offers a belief-driven verb chart, faith-affirming conjugation exercises, inspiring games, and sentences that showcase creer in various contexts. Cultivate your confidence in communication. Foster your faith in learning with Spanish verbs. Strengthen your convictions in creer on our creer conjugation page.
Verb Meaning(s): to believe, to think
Verb Chart: Creer Future Tense
Yo |
creeré I will believe |
Nosotros |
creeremos we will believe |
Tú (Juana, Juan) |
creerás you will believe |
Vosotros (informal Spain) |
creeréis you all will believe |
Él/Ella/Ud. (Sra./Dr. García) |
creerá he/she/you will believe |
Ellos/Ellas/Uds. |
creerán they/you all will believe |
Creer Future Tense Practice
Creer Future Sentence Examples
I will believe in myself to overcome challenges.
2. ¿Tú creerás lo que te digan sin comprobarlo?
Will you believe what they tell you without checking?
3. Él creerá en las posibilidades de su nuevo proyecto.
He will believe in the possibilities of his new project.
4. Ella creerá en la magia de la navidad este año.
She will believe in the magic of Christmas this year.
5. Usted creerá en el éxito de la empresa, ¿verdad?
You will believe in the success of the company, right?
We will believe in the importance of friendship.
7. Vosotros creeréis en vosotros mismos para pasar el examen. (vosotros is used only in Spain)
You will believe in yourselves to pass the exam.
8. Ellos creerán en el cambio climático después de ver el documental.
They will believe in climate change after watching the documentary.
9. Ellas creerán en sus capacidades como atletas.
They will believe in their abilities as athletes.
10. ¿Ustedes creerán en la posibilidad de un mundo mejor?
Will you believe in the possibility of a better world?