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Decidir Preterite Tense

Make the decision to excel in the Spanish Preterite Tense with the verb decidir. Our page includes a comprehensive conjugation chart, engaging verb games, and sentences showcasing decidir in real-world use. Enhance your Spanish language journey and confidently use decidir in conversations. For more on Spanish verbs, visit Spanish conjugation. Develop your decidir conjugation skills at our decidir conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to decide

Verb Chart: Decidir Preterite Tense



I decided



we decided

(Juana, Juan)


you decided


(informal Spain)


you all decided


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you decided



they/you all decided

Decidir Preterite Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Conjugation Practice

Decidir Preterite Sentence Examples

1. Yo decidí aprender un nuevo idioma.
I decided to learn a new language.
2. ¿Decidiste ir a la universidad después de la secundaria?
Did you decide to go to college after high school?
3. Él decidió cambiar de trabajo.
He decided to change jobs.
4. Ella decidió mudarse a otra ciudad.
She decided to move to another city.
5. ¿Decidió Ud. vender su coche?
Did you decide to sell your car?
6. Nosotros decidimos organizar una fiesta sorpresa.
We decided to organize a surprise party.
7. ¿Decidieron ellos participar en el concurso?
Did they decide to participate in the contest?
8. Las chicas decidieron unirse al club de teatro.
The girls decided to join the drama club.
9. ¿Decidieron Uds. viajar durante el verano?
Did you all decide to travel during the summer?
10. Vosotros decidisteis estudiar juntos para el examen.
You all (Spain) decided to study together for the exam.