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Doler Future Tense
Learn to articulate pain by mastering doler in the Future Tense and express discomfort or empathy in Spanish. This page offers a comprehensive verb chart, pain-focused conjugation exercises, engaging games, and sentences that convey doler in various contexts. Communicate feelings accurately. Express empathy with Spanish verbs. Alleviate your worries with our doler conjugation page.
Verb Meaning(s): to hurt, to ache
Verb Chart: Doler Future Tense
A mí | me dolerá It will hurt me | A nosotros | nos dolerá It will hurt us |
A ti (Juana, Juan) | te dolerá It will hurt you | A vosotros (informal Spain) | os dolerá It will hurt all of you |
A él/ella/Ud. (Sra./Dr. García) | le dolerá It will hurt him/her/you | A ellos/ellas/Uds. | les dolerá It will hurt them/all of you |
Doler Future Tense Practice
Doler Future Sentence Examples
My head will hurt if I keep studying without rest.
2. ¿Te dolerá el estómago después de comer tanto dulce?
Will your stomach hurt after eating so much candy?
3. Le dolerán los pies después de correr el maratón.
His feet will hurt after running the marathon.
4. Le dolerá el corazón si sigue ignorando sus emociones.
Her heart will hurt if she keeps ignoring her emotions.
5. ¿Le dolerá la espalda después de levantar ese peso?
Will your back hurt after lifting that weight?
It will hurt us to leave our old house when we move.
7. ¿Os dolerá perder contra vuestro equipo rival? (vosotros is used only in Spain)
Will it hurt you to lose against your rival team?
8. Les dolerá la cabeza después de estudiar tanto para los exámenes.
Their heads will hurt after studying so much for the exams.
9. A ellas les dolerán los brazos después de la práctica de remo.
Their arms will hurt after rowing practice.
10. ¿Les dolerá cambiar de ciudad y dejar atrás a los amigos?
Will it hurt you to move to a different city and leave friends behind?