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Enviar Present Tense

Enhance your Spanish skills with enviar in the Present Tense. Our platform offers an interactive verb chart, personalized conjugation activities, fun games, and practical examples with enviar. Discover a world of Spanish verbs on our Spanish verb conjugation page. Dive deeper into enviar conjugation here.

Verb Meaning(s): to send, to dispatch

Verb Chart: Enviar Present Tense



I send
I do send
I am sending



we send
we do send
we are sending

(Juana, Juan)


you send
you do send
you are sending


(informal Spain)


you all send
you all do send
you all are sending


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you send
he/she/you do send
he/she/you are sending



they/you all send
they/ you all do send
they/you all are sending

Enviar Present Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Present Tense

Enviar Present Sentence Examples

1. Yo envío un correo electrónico a mi profesor.
I send an email to my teacher.
2. ¿Tú envías tarjetas en Navidad?
Do you send cards at Christmas?
3. Él envía un paquete a su familia.
He sends a package to his family.
4. Ella envía una solicitud para la universidad.
She sends an application to the university.
5. ¿Usted envía mensajes de texto a menudo?
Do you often send text messages?
6. Nosotros enviamos fotos de nuestras vacaciones.
We send photos of our vacation.
7. ¿Vosotros enviáis invitaciones para la fiesta?
Do you (Spain) send invitations for the party?
8. Ellos envían ayuda a las personas necesitadas.
They send help to people in need.
9. Ellas envían recetas de cocina por correo.
They send cooking recipes by mail.
10. ¿Ustedes envían informes al final del mes?
Do you all send reports at the end of the month?