Haber Imperfect Tense
Explore the essential verb haber in the Imperfect Tense with our comprehensive learning page. Discover a detailed verb chart, participate in interactive conjugation exercises, enjoy fun games, and learn through practical sentences that feature haber in various contexts. Our resources are crafted to provide a thorough and enjoyable learning experience. Experience the essence of Spanish verb conjugation. Also, refine your command with our specialized haber conjugation practice.
Verb Meaning(s): to have (auxiliary verb)
Verb Chart: Haber Imperfect Tense
Yo | había I had | Nosotros | habíamos we had |
Tú (Juana, Juan) | habías you had | Vosotros (informal Spain) | habíais you all had |
Él/Ella/Ud. (Sra./Dr. García) | había he/she/you had | Ellos/Ellas/Uds. | habían they/you all |
Haber Imperfect Tense Practice
Haber Imperfect Sentence Examples
1.¿Habías visitado alguna vez ese museo?
Had you ever visited that museum?
2.Nosotros habíamos estudiado juntos en la universidad.
We had studied together at the university.
3.Él había trabajado como voluntario en esa organización.
He had worked as a volunteer in that organization.
4.¿Ustedes habían visto esa película antes?
Had you seen that movie before?
5.Yo había leído todos los libros de ese autor.
I had read all the books by that author.
Had you ever visited that museum?
2.Nosotros habíamos estudiado juntos en la universidad.
We had studied together at the university.
3.Él había trabajado como voluntario en esa organización.
He had worked as a volunteer in that organization.
4.¿Ustedes habían visto esa película antes?
Had you seen that movie before?
5.Yo había leído todos los libros de ese autor.
I had read all the books by that author.
6.¿Habías probado alguna vez la comida japonesa?
Had you ever tried Japanese food?
7.En aquel tiempo, ya habíamos terminado el proyecto.
By that time, we had already finished the project.
8.¿Habían ido alguna vez a ese parque nacional?
Had they ever been to that national park?
9.¿Habías escuchado sobre ese científico antes?
Had you heard about that scientist before?
10.Ella había vivido en varios países durante su infancia.
She had lived in several countries during her childhood.
Had you ever tried Japanese food?
7.En aquel tiempo, ya habíamos terminado el proyecto.
By that time, we had already finished the project.
8.¿Habían ido alguna vez a ese parque nacional?
Had they ever been to that national park?
9.¿Habías escuchado sobre ese científico antes?
Had you heard about that scientist before?
10.Ella había vivido en varios países durante su infancia.
She had lived in several countries during her childhood.