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Jugar Commands

Master jugar Commands in the imperative mood to express “to play”. Utilize our verb chart, engaging activities, and real-life examples for effective learning. Begin with Spanish verbs. Perfect your skills at jugar conjugation.

Verb Meaning(s): to play (games/sports)

Verb Chart: Jugar Commands




let’s play


(Juana, Juan)

juega; no juegues

play; don’t play


(informal Spain)

jugad; no juguéis

(you all) play; (you all) don’t play


(Sra./Dr. García)


(you) play



(you all) play

*Only Tú, and Vosotros change in the negative form. The other conjugations are the same in the negative.

Jugar Commands Practice

Multiple Choice

Artifact Amigo Spanish Verb Conjugation Game

Positive Commands

Negative Commands

Spanish Commands

Jugar Commands Sentence Examples

1. Tú: Juega al fútbol con tus amigos los fines de semana.
Play soccer with your friends on the weekends.
2. Tú: No juegues videojuegos toda la noche; descansa.
Do not play video games all night; rest.
3. Ud.: Juegue al ajedrez para mejorar su estrategia.
Play chess to improve your strategy.
4. Ud.: No juegue con los sentimientos de las personas.
Do not play with people’s feelings.
5. Nosotros: Juguemos un partido de baloncesto juntos.
Let’s play a basketball game together.
6. Nosotros: No juguemos en horas de estudio; prioricemos.
Let’s not play during study hours; let’s prioritize.
7. Vosotros: Jugad a juegos de mesa en familia.
Play board games with the family.
8. Vosotros: No juguéis en clase; prestad atención al profesor.
Do not play in class; pay attention to the teacher.
9. Uds.: Jueguen en el parque y disfruten del aire libre.
Play in the park and enjoy the outdoors.
10. Uds.: No jueguen con la comida; es un desperdicio.
Do not play with food; it’s wasteful.