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Mostrar Future Tense

Prepare to mostrar in the Future Tense and display your Spanish proficiency with pride! This page is your showcase, offering a vivid verb chart, demonstrative conjugation exercises, interactive games, and sentences that illustrate mostrar in various scenarios. Exhibit your skills. Display your capabilities with Spanish verbs. Reveal your knowledge with our mostrar conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to show, to display

Verb Chart: Mostrar Future Tense



I will show



we will show

(Juana, Juan)


you will show


(informal Spain)


you all will show


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you will show



they/you all will show

Mostrar Future Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Future Tense

Mostrar Future Sentence Examples

1. Yo mostraré mi proyecto de ciencia en la feria escolar.
I will show my science project at the school fair.
2. ¿Tú mostrarás tus habilidades de guitarra en el concurso?
Will you show your guitar skills in the contest?
3. Él mostrará sus fotos de viaje en la exposición de fotografía.
He will show his travel photos at the photography exhibition.
4. Ella mostrará cómo hacer una aplicación móvil en el taller.
She will show how to make a mobile app at the workshop.
5. Usted mostrará el nuevo producto a los clientes potenciales, ¿no?
You will show the new product to potential clients, won’t you?
6. Nosotros mostraremos nuestro apoyo llevando pancartas en la marcha.
We will show our support by carrying banners at the march.
7. Vosotros mostraréis vuestros proyectos en la clase de arte. (vosotros is used only in Spain)
You will show your projects in art class.
8. Ellos mostrarán cómo resolver un problema matemático complejo.
They will show how to solve a complex math problem.
9. Ellas mostrarán sus diseños de moda en el desfile.
They will show their fashion designs at the runway show.
10. ¿Ustedes mostrarán interés en aprender idiomas extranjeros?
Will you show interest in learning foreign languages?