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Nadar Future Tense
Dive into the Future Tense of nadar and swim through Spanish conversations with ease! This page is your pool, offering a refreshing verb chart, fluid conjugation exercises, immersive games, and sentences to practice nadar in aquatic scenarios. Float towards fluency. Make a splash with Spanish verbs. Propel your skills with our nadar conjugation page.
Verb Meaning(s): to swim
Verb Chart: Nadar Future Tense
Yo | nadaré I will swim | Nosotros | nadaremos we will swim |
Tú (Juana, Juan) | nadarás you will swim | Vosotros (informal Spain) | nadaréis you all will swim |
Él/Ella/Ud. (Sra./Dr. García) | nadará he/she/you will swim | Ellos/Ellas/Uds. | nadarán they/you all will swim |
Nadar Future Tense Practice
Nadar Future Sentence Examples
1. Yo nadaré en el lago cada mañana durante el campamento de verano.
I will swim in the lake every morning during the summer camp.
2. ¿Tú nadarás con los delfines durante tus vacaciones?
Will you swim with the dolphins during your vacation?
3. Él nadará a través del canal como parte de su entrenamiento.
He will swim across the channel as part of his training.
4. Ella nadará en la competencia nacional de natación.
She will swim in the national swimming competition.
5. Usted nadará en aguas abiertas para prepararse para el triatlón, ¿cierto?
You will swim in open water to prepare for the triathlon, right?
I will swim in the lake every morning during the summer camp.
2. ¿Tú nadarás con los delfines durante tus vacaciones?
Will you swim with the dolphins during your vacation?
3. Él nadará a través del canal como parte de su entrenamiento.
He will swim across the channel as part of his training.
4. Ella nadará en la competencia nacional de natación.
She will swim in the national swimming competition.
5. Usted nadará en aguas abiertas para prepararse para el triatlón, ¿cierto?
You will swim in open water to prepare for the triathlon, right?
6. Nosotros nadaremos en la piscina del hotel cada día de nuestras vacaciones.
We will swim in the hotel pool every day of our vacation.
7. Vosotros nadaréis en el río si el tiempo lo permite. (vosotros is used only in Spain)
You will swim in the river if the weather allows it.
8. Ellos nadarán hacia la isla cercana como un desafío.
They will swim towards the nearby island as a challenge.
9. Ellas nadarán en la maratón acuática para recaudar fondos.
They will swim in the water marathon to raise funds.
10. ¿Ustedes nadarán cada mañana para mantenerse en forma?
Will you swim every morning to stay fit?
We will swim in the hotel pool every day of our vacation.
7. Vosotros nadaréis en el río si el tiempo lo permite. (vosotros is used only in Spain)
You will swim in the river if the weather allows it.
8. Ellos nadarán hacia la isla cercana como un desafío.
They will swim towards the nearby island as a challenge.
9. Ellas nadarán en la maratón acuática para recaudar fondos.
They will swim in the water marathon to raise funds.
10. ¿Ustedes nadarán cada mañana para mantenerse en forma?
Will you swim every morning to stay fit?