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Pedir Commands

Master pedir Commands in the imperative mood to effectively say “to ask for” or “to request”. Dive into our comprehensive verb chart and engaging exercises for effective learning. Start your journey with Spanish verbs. Enhance your understanding at pedir conjugation.

Verb Meaning(s): to ask for, to request, to order

Verb Chart: Pedir Commands




let’s request


(Juana, Juan)

pide; no pidas

request; don’t request


(informal Spain)

pedid; no pidáis

(you all) request; (you all) don’t request


(Sra./Dr. García)


(you) request



(you all) request

*Only Tú, and Vosotros change in the negative form. The other conjugations are the same in the negative.

Pedir Commands Practice

Multiple Choice

Positive Commands

Negative Commands

Spanish Commands

Pedir Commands Sentence Examples

1. Tú: Pide ayuda si te sientes abrumado con tus tareas.
Ask for help if you feel overwhelmed with your tasks.
2. Tú: No pidas más de lo que estás dispuesto a dar.
Do not ask for more than you are willing to give.
3. Ud.: Pida opiniones antes de tomar una decisión importante.
Ask for opinions before making an important decision.
4. Ud.: No pida excusas por errores; busque soluciones.
Do not ask for excuses for mistakes; look for solutions.
5. Nosotros: Pidamos una reunión para discutir nuestros planes futuros.
Let’s request a meeting to discuss our future plans.
6. Nosotros: No pidamos permiso para seguir nuestros sueños; tomemos la iniciativa.
Let’s not ask for permission to follow our dreams; let’s take the initiative.
7. Vosotros: Pedid claridad en las instrucciones si algo no os parece claro.
Ask for clarity in the instructions if something is not clear to you.
8. Vosotros: No pidáis a otros que hagan vuestro trabajo; asumid vuestras responsabilidades.
Do not ask for others to do your work; assume your responsibilities.
9. Uds.: Pidan retroalimentación regularmente para mejorar.
Ask for feedback regularly to improve.
10. Uds.: No pidan lo imposible sin estar dispuestos a trabajar duro por ello.
Do not ask for the impossible without being willing to work hard for it.