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Pedir Preterite Tense

Master the art of requesting in Spanish with the Preterite Tense of pedir. Our comprehensive page provides a full conjugation chart, interactive verb games, and sentences illustrating pedir. Learn to express asking or requesting in various situations, enhancing your communication skills. For a broader understanding of Spanish verbs, visit Spanish conjugation. Develop your pedir conjugation skills at our pedir conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to ask for, to request, to order

Verb Chart: Pedir Preterite Tense



I asked for



we asked for

(Juana, Juan)


you asked for


(informal Spain)


you all asked for


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you asked for



they/you all asked for

Pedir Preterite Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Preterite Tense

Pedir Preterite Sentence Examples

1. Ayer pedí una pizza a domicilio.
Yesterday, I ordered a pizza for delivery.
2. ¿Pediste ayuda con tu tarea de matemáticas?
Did you ask for help with your math homework?
3. Él pidió un aumento de sueldo a su jefe.
He asked his boss for a raise.
4. Ella pidió un café en la cafetería.
She ordered a coffee at the café.
5. ¿Pidió Ud. las direcciones para llegar al hotel?
Did you ask for directions to get to the hotel?
6. Nosotros pedimos información turística en el centro de visitantes.
We asked for tourist information at the visitor center.
7. ¿Pidieron ellos entradas para el concierto?
Did they request tickets for the concert?
8. Las chicas pidieron permiso para salir temprano de la escuela.
The girls asked for permission to leave school early.
9. ¿Pidieron Uds. una mesa para cuatro en el restaurante?
Did you all request a table for four at the restaurant?
10. Vosotros pedisteis una explicación sobre el cambio de horario.
You all (Spain) asked for an explanation about the schedule change.