Home » Spanish Conjugation » Pegar Conjugation » Pegar – Present Progressive Tense
Pegar Present Progressive Tense
Learn pegar in the Present Progressive Tense through our engaging verb chart, interactive exercises, and practical examples. Discover its usage in contexts like attaching, hitting, or sticking. Deepen your Spanish skills with our Spanish conjugation resources. Practice ‘pegar’ on our pegar conjugation page.
Verb Meaning(s): to stick, to hit
Verb Chart: Pegar Present Progressive Tense
Yo | estoy pegando I am hitting (right now) | Nosotros | estamos pegando we are hitting (right now) |
Tú (Juana, Juan) | estás pegando you are hitting (right now) | Vosotros (informal Spain) | estáis pegando you all are hitting (right now) |
Él/Ella/Ud. (Sra./Dr. García) | está pegando he/she/you are hitting (right now) | Ellos/Ellas/Uds. | están pegando they/you all are hitting (right now) |
Pegar Present Progressive Tense Practice
Pegar Present Progressive Sentence Examples
I am sticking posters for the school event.
2. ¿Tú estás pegando fotos en tu álbum de recuerdos?
Are you gluing photos in your memory album?
3. Él está pegando un rompecabezas.
He is putting together a puzzle.
4. Ella está pegando etiquetas en los frascos de la cocina.
She is sticking labels on the kitchen jars.
5. Usted está pegando una reparación en su bicicleta.
You are making a repair on your bicycle.
We are posting notices on the bulletin board.
7. Vosotros estáis pegando adornos en la sala para la fiesta (vosotros is used only in Spain).
You all are sticking decorations in the room for the party.
8. Ellos están pegando un mural en la pared del aula.
They are attaching a mural on the classroom wall.
9. ¿Ellas están pegando calcomanías en sus cuadernos?
Are they sticking stickers on their notebooks?
10. Ustedes están pegando carteles de concienciación ambiental en la escuela.
You all are putting up environmental awareness posters in the school.