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Practicar Preterite Tense

Hone your Spanish skills with the Preterite Tense of practicar. Our page features a comprehensive conjugation chart, engaging verb games, and sentences that utilize practicar. Master expressing the act of practicing or performing activities in Spanish. Explore more verbs at Spanish conjugation. Refine your practicar conjugation at our practicar conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to practice, to play (a sport)

Verb Chart: Practicar Preterite Tense



I practiced



we practiced

(Juana, Juan)


you practiced


(informal Spain)


you all practiced


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you practiced



they/you all practiced

Practicar Preterite Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Preterite Tense

Practicar Preterite Sentence Examples

1. Ayer practiqué piano durante dos horas.
Yesterday, I practiced piano for two hours.
2. ¿Practicaste tu discurso varias veces?
Did you practice your speech several times?
3. Él practicó fútbol con el equipo escolar.
He practiced soccer with the school team.
4. Ella practicó natación en la piscina comunitaria.
She practiced swimming in the community pool.
5. ¿Practicó Ud. la presentación con sus compañeros?
Did you practice the presentation with your colleagues?
6. Nosotros practicamos el idioma inglés mediante una aplicación.
We practiced English through an app.
7. ¿Practicaron ellos artes marciales el fin de semana?
Did they practice martial arts over the weekend?
8. Las chicas practicaron baile en el estudio de danza.
The girls practiced dance at the dance studio.
9. ¿Practicaron Uds. para el torneo de ajedrez?
Did you all practice for the chess tournament?
10. Vosotros practicasteis vuestros diálogos para la obra de teatro.
You all (Spain) practiced your dialogues for the play.