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Preparar Future Tense

Get set to preparar in the Future Tense and boost your capacity to discuss preparing and making ready in Spanish. This page lays out a comprehensive verb chart, targeted conjugation exercises, engaging games, and sentences that show preparar in the context of preparing food, events, or tasks. Ready your language skills for any situation. Prepare for success with Spanish verbs. Advance your preparation abilities with our preparar conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to prepare, to make ready

Verb Chart: Preparar Future Tense



I will prepare



we will prepare

(Juana, Juan)


you will prepare


(informal Spain)


you all will prepare


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you will prepare



they/you all will prepare

Preparar Future Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Future Tense

Preparar Future Sentence Examples

1. Yo prepararé una sorpresa para el cumpleaños de mi mejor amigo.
I will prepare a surprise for my best friend’s birthday.
2. ¿Tú prepararás el informe para la reunión de mañana?
Will you prepare the report for tomorrow’s meeting?
3. Él preparará una cena romántica para su aniversario.
He will prepare a romantic dinner for their anniversary.
4. Ella preparará su tesis de maestría durante el próximo año.
She will prepare her master’s thesis over the next year.
5. Usted preparará el terreno para el nuevo proyecto, ¿verdad?
You will prepare the ground for the new project, right?
6. Nosotros prepararemos una presentación sobre el cambio climático para la clase de ciencias.
We will prepare a presentation on climate change for science class.
7. Vosotros prepararéis una coreografía para el concurso de talentos. (vosotros is used only in Spain)
You will prepare a choreography for the talent contest.
8. Ellos prepararán un plan de negocios para su nueva empresa.
They will prepare a business plan for their new company.
9. Ellas prepararán un jardín de hierbas en su balcón.
They will prepare an herb garden on their balcony.
10. ¿Ustedes prepararán todo lo necesario para la expedición de montaña?
Will you prepare everything necessary for the mountain expedition?