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Preparar Imperfect Tense

Explore the Spanish Imperfect Tense with the verb preparar. Our comprehensive page includes a detailed verb chart, interactive conjugation activities, and fun verb games. Learn how preparar is used in everyday speech through practical sentences. To deepen your understanding, visit our Spanish verb conjugation page. Begin your preparar conjugation practice now!

Verb Meaning(s): to prepare

Verb Chart: Preparar Imperfect Tense



I prepared (weekly)
I used to prepare
I was preparing



we prepared (on Thursdays)
we used to prepare
we were preparing

(Juana, Juan)


you prepared (daily)
you used to prepare
you were preparing


(informal Spain)


you all prepared (frequently)
you all used to prepare
you all were preparing


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you prepared (sometimes)
he/she/you used to prepare
he/she/you were preparing



they/you (all almost never) prepared
they/you all used to prepare
they/you all were preparing

Preparar Imperfect Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Imperfect Tense

Preparar Imperfect Sentence Examples

1.Yo preparaba la cena para mi familia.
I used to prepare dinner for my family.
2.¿Tú preparabas tus exámenes con antelación?
Did you prepare your exams in advance?
3.Nosotros preparábamos proyectos para la feria de ciencias.
We used to prepare projects for the science fair.
4.Ella preparaba pasteles y los vendía en el mercado.
She used to prepare cakes and sell them at the market.
5.¿Preparaban ellos sus mochilas para el día siguiente?
Did they prepare their backpacks for the next day?
6.Ustedes preparaban presentaciones para la clase de historia.
You all used to prepare presentations for history class.
7.Él preparaba café todas las mañanas.
He used to prepare coffee every morning.
8.¿Preparábamos nosotros la ropa para la semana?
Did we prepare our clothes for the week?
9.Usted preparaba informes para las reuniones de trabajo.
You used to prepare reports for work meetings.
10.¿Preparabais vosotros decoraciones para las fiestas?
Did you (plural, Spain) prepare decorations for parties?