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Preparar Present Perfect Tense

Gear up for the Present Perfect Tense with the methodical Spanish verb preparar. Our page is a thorough resource for mastering ‘preparar’, featuring a detailed verb chart, interactive conjugation exercises, fun games, and sentences that illustrate its practical use. Advance your Spanish language journey at Spanish verb conjugation. Also, enhance your practice with the different conjugations of ‘preparar’ at preparar conjugation.

Verb Meaning(s): to prepare, to make ready

Verb Chart: Preparar Present Perfect Tense


he preparado

I have prepared


hemos preparado

we have prepared

(Juana, Juan)

has preparado

you have prepared


(informal Spain)

habéis preparado

you all have prepared


(Sra./Dr. García)

ha preparado

he/she/you have prepared


han preparado

they/you all have prepared

Preparar Present Perfect Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Present Perfect Tense

Preparar Present Perfect Sentence Examples

1. Yo he preparado mi exposición para la clase de historia.
I have prepared my presentation for history class.
2. ¿Tú has preparado una cena especial alguna vez?
Have you ever prepared a special dinner?
3. Él ha preparado un plan de negocios para su nueva empresa.
He has prepared a business plan for his new company.
4. Ella ha preparado una coreografía para el concurso de baile.
She has prepared a choreography for the dance contest.
5. Usted ha preparado un informe detallado sobre el proyecto.
You have prepared a detailed report on the project.
6. Nosotros hemos preparado una sorpresa para el cumpleaños de nuestro amigo.
We have prepared a surprise for our friend’s birthday.
7. ¿Vosotros habéis preparado vuestras mochilas para la excursión? (vosotros is used only in Spain)
Have you all prepared your backpacks for the excursion?
8. Ellos han preparado un espectáculo de marionetas para los niños.
They have prepared a puppet show for the children.
9. Ellas han preparado un jardín de flores en su patio trasero.
They have prepared a flower garden in their backyard.
10. ¿Ustedes han preparado las maletas para su viaje?
Have you prepared your suitcases for your trip?