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Querer Future Tense

Prepare to express desire and affection with querer in the Future Tense, enhancing your Spanish with the language of wanting and loving. This page offers a deep dive into the verb chart, conjugation exercises that focus on expressing desires and feelings, interactive games, and sentences that use querer to talk about wishes, love, and preferences. Cultivate emotional expression in your conversations. Express desires with Spanish verbs. Deepen your emotional vocabulary with our querer conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to want

Verb Chart: Querer Future Tense



I will want



we will want

(Juana, Juan)


you will want


(informal Spain)


you all will want


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you will want



they/you all will want

Querer Future Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Future Tense

Querer Future Sentence Examples

1. Yo querré pasar más tiempo con mi familia el próximo año.
I will want to spend more time with my family next year.
2. ¿Tú querrás estudiar en el extranjero después de graduarte?
Will you want to study abroad after graduating?
3. Él querrá unirse al club de robótica de la escuela.
He will want to join the school’s robotics club.
4. Ella querrá aprender a cocinar platos italianos.
She will want to learn how to cook Italian dishes.
5. Usted querrá expandir su negocio al mercado internacional, ¿no es así?
You will want to expand your business to the international market, won’t you?
6. Nosotros querremos hacer un viaje de fin de curso juntos.
We will want to make an end-of-course trip together.
7. Vosotros querréis participar en el torneo de fútbol. (vosotros is used only in Spain)
You will want to participate in the football tournament.
8. Ellos querrán mejorar su nivel de inglés para comunicarse mejor.
They will want to improve their English level to communicate better.
9. Ellas querrán organizar un evento benéfico para recaudar fondos.
They will want to organize a charity event to raise funds.
10. ¿Ustedes querrán ver la nueva exposición de arte en el museo?
Will you want to see the new art exhibition at the museum?