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Querer Preterite Tense

Explore the depths of desire and love in Spanish with the Preterite Tense of querer. Our page offers a detailed conjugation chart, engaging verb games, and sentences that showcase querer. Learn to express wanting, loving, and wishing in Spanish, enriching your emotional vocabulary. Dive deeper into Spanish verbs with Spanish conjugation. Develop your querer conjugation at our querer conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to want

Verb Chart: Querer Preterite Tense



I wanted



we wanted

(Juana, Juan)


you wanted


(informal Spain)


you all wanted


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you wanted



they/you all wanted

Querer Preterite Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Preterite Tense

Querer Preterite Sentence Examples

1. Ayer quise comprar un libro nuevo, pero la librería estaba cerrada.
Yesterday, I wanted to buy a new book, but the bookstore was closed.
2. ¿Quisiste hablar con el director después de la asamblea?
Did you want to talk to the principal after the assembly?
3. Él quiso aprender a tocar la guitarra.
He wanted to learn to play the guitar.
4. Ella quiso ir a la playa, pero llovió todo el día.
She wanted to go to the beach, but it rained all day.
5. ¿Quiso Ud. asistir a ese concierto de jazz?
Did you want to attend that jazz concert?
6. Nosotros quisimos hacer una fiesta sorpresa para nuestro amigo.
We wanted to throw a surprise party for our friend.
7. ¿Quisieron ellos comprar entradas para el partido de fútbol?
Did they want to buy tickets for the soccer game?
8. Las chicas quisieron participar en el concurso de talentos.
The girls wanted to participate in the talent show.
9. ¿Quisieron Uds. visitar el museo de arte moderno?
Did you all want to visit the modern art museum?
10. Vosotros quisisteis ver la nueva exposición en la galería.
You all (Spain) wanted to see the new exhibition at the gallery.