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Romper Imperfect Tense

Master the Spanish Imperfect Tense with the verb romper. Our comprehensive page provides a thorough verb chart, interactive conjugation activities, and engaging verb games. See romper in action within everyday sentences, illustrating its usage in various contexts. For a complete verb learning experience, check out our Spanish verb conjugation page. Embark on your romper conjugation journey now!

Verb Meaning(s): to break, to tear

Verb Chart: Romper Imperfect Tense



I broke (weekly)
I used to break
I was breaking



we broke (on Thursdays)
we used to break
we were breaking

(Juana, Juan)


you broke (daily)
you used to break
you were breaking


(informal Spain)


you all broke (frequently)
you all used to break
you all were breaking


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you broke (sometimes)
he/she/you used to break
he/she/you were breaking



they/you (all almost never) broke
they/you all used to break
they/you all were breaking

Romper Imperfect Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Imperfect Tense

Romper Imperfect Sentence Examples

1.Yo rompía mis juguetes accidentalmente.
I used to break my toys accidentally.
2.¿Tú rompías las galletas para hacer postres?
Did you break the cookies to make desserts?
3.Nosotros rompíamos olas al surfear.
We broke waves while surfing.
4.Ella rompía papeles cuando estaba nerviosa.
She used to tear up papers when she was nervous.
5.¿Rompían ellos la piñata en las fiestas?
Did they break the piñata at parties?
6.Ustedes rompían récords en la pista de atletismo.
You all used to break records on the track field.
7.Él rompía las hojas secas al caminar.
He used to crush dry leaves while walking.
8.¿Rompíamos nosotros el silencio con nuestra música?
Did we break the silence with our music?
9.Usted rompía la rutina con actividades nuevas.
You used to break the routine with new activities.
10.¿Rompíais vosotros las reglas en la escuela?
Did you (plural, Spain) break the rules at school?