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Saber Imperfect Tense

Delve into the Spanish Imperfect Tense with the insightful verb saber. Our page is designed to guide you through its usage with a comprehensive verb chart, interactive conjugation exercises, and fun verb games. See how saber is incorporated into daily conversations through various sentences. For a deeper dive into Spanish verbs, visit our Spanish verb conjugation page. Begin your journey with saber conjugation today!

Verb Meaning(s): to know, to find out (especially for past tense)

Verb Chart: Saber Imperfect Tense



I knew (weekly)
I used to know
I was knowing



we knew (on Thursdays)
we used to know
we were knowing

(Juana, Juan)


you knew (daily)
you used to know
you were knowing


(informal Spain)


you all knew (frequently)
you all used to know
you all were knowing


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you knew (sometimes)
he/she/you used to know
he/she/you were knowing



they/you (all almost never) knew
they/you all used to know
they/you all were knowing

Saber Imperfect Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Imperfect Tense

Saber Imperfect Sentence Examples

1.Yo sabía hablar inglés y francés.
I used to know how to speak English and French.
2.¿Tú sabías cocinar platos mexicanos?
Did you know how to cook Mexican dishes?
3.Nosotros sabíamos todas las respuestas del examen.
We knew all the answers to the exam.
4.Ella sabía montar a caballo.
She used to know how to ride a horse.
5.¿Sabían ellos dónde estaba el tesoro escondido?
Did they know where the hidden treasure was?
6.Ustedes sabían resolver problemas complicados.
You all knew how to solve complicated problems.
7.Él sabía tocar el piano maravillosamente.
He used to know how to play the piano wonderfully.
8.¿Sabíamos nosotros cómo llegar al parque?
Did we know how to get to the park?
9.Usted sabía escribir poesía.
You used to know how to write poetry.
10.¿Sabíais vosotros nadar en el río?
Did you (plural, Spain) know how to swim in the river?