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Vestirse Commands

Learn how to use vestirse Commands in the imperative mood for “to get dressed”. Explore our interactive resources including a verb chart and practical exercises. Begin your mastery at Spanish verbs. Deepen your practice with vestirse conjugation.

Verb Meaning(s): to get dressed

Verb Chart: Vestirse Commands



vistámonos; no nos vistamos

let’s get dressed; let’s not get dressed


(Juana, Juan)

vístete; no te vistas

get dressed; don’t get dressed


(informal Spain)

vestíos; no os vistáis

(you all) get dressed; (you all) don’t get dressed


(Sra./Dr. García)

vístase; no se vista

(you) get dressed; (you) don't get dressed


vístanse; no se vistan

(you all) get dressed; (you all) don't get dressed

*Only Tú, and Vosotros change in the negative form. The other conjugations are the same in the negative.

Vestirse Commands Practice

Multiple Choice

Artifact Amigo Spanish Verb Conjugation Game

Positive Commands

Conjugation Practice

Negative Commands

Conjugation Practice

Vestirse Commands Sentence Examples

1. Tú: Vístete adecuadamente para la ocasión; la primera impresión cuenta mucho.
Dress appropriately for the occasion; the first impression matters a lot.
2. Tú: No te vistas de manera incómoda solo por seguir la moda; tu comodidad es importante.
Do not dress uncomfortably just to follow fashion; your comfort is important.
3. Ud.: Vístase con colores que le hagan sentir seguro y positivo.
Dress in colors that make you feel confident and positive.
4. Ud.: No se vista sin considerar el clima; estar preparado es clave.
Do not dress without considering the weather; being prepared is key.
5. Nosotros: Vistámonos para impresionar en la entrevista de trabajo.
Let’s dress to impress at the job interview.
6. Nosotros: No nos vistamos de forma similar todos los días; variar puede ser divertido.
Let’s not dress similarly every day; varying can be fun.
7. Vosotros: Vestíos con ropa cómoda para la excursión; vamos a caminar bastante.
Dress in comfortable clothes for the excursion; we are going to walk a lot.
8. Vosotros: No os vistáis con prisa; tomad vuestro tiempo para elegir lo que mejor os siente.
Do not dress in a hurry; take your time to choose what looks best on you.
9. Uds.: Vístanse de manera profesional para la conferencia; representa su seriedad en el asunto.
Dress professionally for the conference; it represents your seriousness in the matter.
10. Uds.: No se vistan sin tener en cuenta la cultura del lugar al que viajan; ser respetuosos es fundamental.
Do not dress without considering the culture of the place you are traveling to; being respectful is essential.