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Vestirse Future Tense

Prepare to vestirse in the Future Tense and express the act of dressing oneself in Spanish. This page is your wardrobe, featuring a fashion-forward verb chart, conjugation exercises for clothing oneself, interactive games, and sentences to practice vestirse in contexts of getting ready for events, daily routines, or changing styles. Dress your language in elegance. Clothe your conversations with Spanish verbs. Adorn your speech with our vestirse conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to get dressed

Verb Chart: Vestirse Future Tense


me vestiré

I will get dressed


nos vestiremos

we will get dressed

(Juana, Juan)

te vestirás

you will get dressed


(informal Spain)

os vestiréis

you all will get dressed


(Sra./Dr. García)

se vestirá

he/she/you will get dressed

se Ellos/Ellas/Uds.

se vestirán

they/you all will get dressed

Vestirse Future Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Artifact Amigo Spanish Verb Conjugation Game

Conjugation Practice

Conjugation Practice

Vestirse Future Sentence Examples

1. Yo me vestiré de manera formal para la entrevista de trabajo.
I will dress formally for the job interview.
2. ¿Tú te vestirás de superhéroe para la fiesta de disfraces?
Will you dress up as a superhero for the costume party?
3. Él se vestirá rápidamente para no llegar tarde a la escuela.
He will get dressed quickly so as not to be late for school.
4. Ella se vestirá de manera elegante para la cena de gala.
She will dress elegantly for the gala dinner.
5. Usted se vestirá con el uniforme del equipo, ¿verdad?
You will wear the team’s uniform, right?
6. Nosotros nos vestiremos de forma casual para el evento informal.
We will dress casually for the informal event.
7. Vosotros os vestiréis con los colores de vuestra escuela para el partido. (vosotros is used only in Spain)
You will wear your school colors for the match.
8. Ellos se vestirán con trajes tradicionales para la celebración cultural.
They will wear traditional outfits for the cultural celebration.
9. Ellas se vestirán con ropa deportiva para la competición.
They will wear sportswear for the competition.
10. ¿Ustedes se vestirán de negro para la presentación teatral?
Will you dress in black for the theater performance?