Instruction: Spanish Pronouns

Introduction to Subject Pronouns

Subject pronouns in Spanish are optional and are sometimes left off. However, they help identify who is performing the action of the verb, and are sometimes used for emphasis. Understanding and using subject pronouns correctly is important and will enhance your ability to communicate in Spanish.

The Pronoun Chart

Throughout this course, you will see this pronoun chart that has been used by Spanish learners for decades. The chart has been created to help you easily identify and remember the different subject pronouns. Take a look and start learning them!

Spanish Pronoun Chart

Usage and Context

Yo (I)

  • Yo is used to refer to oneself.
    • Example: Yo estudio español. (I study Spanish.)

(You – Informal Singular)

  • is used to address someone informally, usually a friend, family member, or someone you are on a first-name basis with, like Juana or Pedro.
    • Example: ¿Tú hablas inglés? (Do you speak English?)

Él/Ella/Usted (He/She/You – Formal Singular)

  • Él is used to refer to a male.
    • Example: Él es mi amigo. (He is my friend.)
  • Ella is used to refer to a female.
    • Example: Ella trabaja aquí. (She works here.)
  • Usted (abbreviated as Ud.) is the formal “you” used in respectful or professional contexts, such as when addressing someone with a title like Señor (Sr.), Señora (Sra.), Miss (Srta.), or Doctor/Doctora (Dr./Dra.).
    • Example:
      • ¿Cómo está usted? (How are you? – formal)
      • ¿Cómo está Ud., Señor Pérez? (How are you, Mr. Pérez?)

Nosotros/Nosotras (We – Masculine/Feminine)

  • Nosotros is used when the group is all male or mixed gender, while nosotras is used for an all-female group.
    • Example:
      • Nosotros vamos al cine. (We are going to the cinema.)
      • Nosotras estudiamos juntas. (We study together.)

Vosotros/Vosotras (You All – Informal Plural, Used Mainly in Spain)

  • Vosotros is used when addressing a group of males or a mixed-gender group informally in Spain, while vosotras is used for an all-female group.
    • Note: Vosotros/vosotras is primarily used in Spain and will be covered in this course, but it won’t be practiced as much.
    • Example:
      • Vosotros sois mis amigos. (You all are my friends.)
      • Vosotras vivís en Madrid. (You all live in Madrid.)

Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes (They – Masculine/Feminine/You All – Formal Plural)

  • Ellos is used to refer to a group of males or a mixed-gender group.
    • Example: Ellos juegan fútbol. (They play soccer.)
  • Ellas is used to refer to an all-female group.
    • Example: Ellas son mis hermanas. (They are my sisters.)
  • Ustedes (abbreviated as Uds.) is the formal “you all” used in most Spanish-speaking countries for both formal and informal contexts.
    • Example:
      • ¿Ustedes necesitan ayuda? (Do you all need help? – formal)
      • ¿Uds. necesitan ayuda, Señoras? (Do you all need help, Ladies?)


Understanding and correctly using subject pronouns is a foundational skill in Spanish. These pronouns help clarify who is performing the action and are crucial for proper verb conjugation. By practicing these pronouns, you will enhance your ability to communicate effectively in Spanish. The chart used throughout this course will be a helpful tool to remember these pronouns and their proper usage. Keep practicing, and enjoy your journey in learning Spanish!