Brain Boost: Present, Preterite, Present Perfect
Section 8: Spanish Imperfect Tense
Brain Boost: Spanish Preterite and Imperfect
Section 9: Spanish Future Tense
Brain Boost: Present, Preterite, Future
Section 10: Spanish Conditional Tense
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Game: Spanish Conditional Tense – Regular

Review: Prep for the Game

Review the Spanish Conditional Tense Regular verb conjugations if needed. Also, here are the words to review for the gameHablar (to speak/talk), Gustar (to like), Viajar (to travel), Ir (to go), Comer (to eat), Encantar (to love), Comprar (to buy), Escribir (to write), Vivir (to live), Fascinar (to fascinate), Tomar (to take/drink), Traer (to bring)

Spanish Conditional Tense: Regular