Section 13: Spanish Imperative Mood (Commands)
Brain Boost: Spanish Commands, Present/Past Subjunctive
Section 14. Spanish Past Subjunctive
Brain Boost: Present/Past Subjunctive, Commands, & Present Tense
Sections 15-16: Perfect Tenses: Present, Past, and Future
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Game: Spanish Past Subjunctive Regular, and Triggers

Review: Prep for the Game

Review the Spanish Past Subjunctive Triggers if needed. Also, here are the words to review for the game.

Triggers: Dudar que (to doubt that), Esperar que (to hope that), Querer que (to want that), Temer que (to fear that), Negar que (to deny that), No creer que (to not believe that), Ojalá que (I wish that), Quisiera que (I wish/want that), Era necesario que (it was necessary that), Era posible que (it was possible that), Si (if), Como si (as if), Era importante que (it was important that)

Verbs: Hablar (to speak/talk), Comer (to eat), Vivir (to live), Aprender (to learn), Vender (to sell), Correr (to run), Recibir (to receive)

Spanish Past Subjunctive Regular and Triggers