Brain Boost - Perfect Tenses: Present, Past, and Future
Sections 17-18: Compound Tenses - Spanish Conditional and Subjunctive Perfect
Brain Boost - Perfect Tenses: Present, past, future, conditional, & subjunctive
Sections 19-20: Compound Tenses - Spanish Past Subjunctive, Past Preterite Perfect
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Instruction: Spanish Future Perfect – Regular

The future perfect tense in Spanish is used to describe actions that will have been completed at a specific point in the future. It combines the future tense of the auxiliary verb haber (to have) with the past participle of the main verb. This tense allows you to talk about actions that will be completed before a certain time or before another future action occurs.

1. Conjugation of Haber in the Future Perfect Tense

In the future perfect tense, haber is conjugated in the future tense. This conjugated form of haber is then followed by the past participle of the main verb.

Conjugation of Haber in the Future Tense:



I will have



we will have

(Juana, Juan)


you will have


(informal Spain)


you all will have


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you will have



they/you all will have

2. Forming the Past Participle

As a reminder, to form the past participle of regular verbs:

  • For -ar verbs: Add -ado to the stem.

    • Hablarhablado (spoken)
  • For -er and -ir verbs: Add -ido to the stem.

    • Comercomido (eaten)
    • Vivirvivido (lived)

3. Using the Future Perfect Tense

The future perfect tense is used to express actions that will have been completed before a specific future time or event. This tense is often used with time expressions like para (by) or dentro de (within).


  • Yo habré terminado el informe dentro de media hora.
    (I will have finished the report within a half an hour.)

  • Ellos habrán comido antes de salir.
    (They will have eaten before leaving.)

  • Nosotros habremos aprendido mucho para cuando termine el curso.
    (We will have learned a lot by the time the course ends.)

4. Practice Exercise

Complete the following sentences using the correct form of haber and the past participle of the verb in parentheses:

  1. Tú __________ (terminar) la tarea dentro de dos horas.
  2. Nosotros __________ (vivir) en esta ciudad por cinco años en diciembre.
  3. Ellos __________ (comer) antes de que lleguemos.
  4. Yo __________ (escribir) el correo antes del mediodía.
  5. Ustedes __________ (hablar) con el jefe para entonces.
  6. Ella __________ (leer) el libro para el fin de semana.
  7. Nosotros __________ (hacer) todos los planes para el viaje en una semana.
  8. Tú __________ (volver) a casa para la medianoche.
  9. Yo __________ (aprender) mucho español para el final del curso.
  10. Ellas __________ (descansar) antes de empezar a trabajar.


  1. Tú habrás terminado la tarea dentro de dos horas. (You will have finished the homework within two hours.)
  2. Nosotros habremos vivido en esta ciudad por cinco años en diciembre. (We will have lived in this city for five years in December.)
  3. Ellos habrán comido antes de que lleguemos. (They will have eaten before we arrive.)
  4. Yo habré escrito el correo antes del mediodía. (I will have written the email before noon.)
  5. Ustedes habrán hablado con el jefe para entonces. (You all will have spoken with the boss by then.)
  6. Ella habrá leído el libro para el fin de semana. (She will have read the book by the weekend.)
  7. Nosotros habremos hecho todos los planes para el viaje en una semana. (We will have made all the plans for the trip in a week.)
  8. Tú habrás vuelto a casa para la medianoche. (You will have returned home by midnight.)
  9. Yo habré aprendido mucho español para el final del curso. (I will have learned a lot of Spanish by the end of the course.)
  10. Ellas habrán descansado antes de empezar a trabajar. (They will have rested before starting work.)

The future perfect tense is a useful tool in Spanish for talking about actions that will have been completed before a certain point in the future. By mastering the conjugation of haber in the future tense and forming regular past participles, you can accurately describe future events with precision. Keep practicing these forms to become confident in using the future perfect tense in your Spanish conversations!