Brain Boost - Perfect Tenses: Present, Past, and Future
Sections 17-18: Compound Tenses - Spanish Conditional and Subjunctive Perfect
Brain Boost - Perfect Tenses: Present, past, future, conditional, & subjunctive
Sections 19-20: Compound Tenses - Spanish Past Subjunctive, Past Preterite Perfect
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Game: Spanish Present Perfect Subjunctive – Irregular

Review: Prep for the Game

Review the Spanish Present Subjunctive Perfect Irregular verb conjugations if needed. Also, here are the words to review for the gameHacer (to do/make), Poner (to put/place), Resolver (to resolve), Romper (to break), Decir (to say/tell), Abrir (to open), Escribir (to write), Ver (to see), Morir (to die), Volver (to return)

Spanish Present Subjunctive Perfect: Irregular