Brain Boost - Perfect Tenses: Present, Past, and Future
Sections 17-18: Compound Tenses - Spanish Conditional and Subjunctive Perfect
Brain Boost - Perfect Tenses: Present, past, future, conditional, & subjunctive
Sections 19-20: Compound Tenses - Spanish Past Subjunctive, Past Preterite Perfect
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Instruction: Spanish Present Perfect Subjunctive – Irregular

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.



(So that) I have



(So that) we have

(Juana, Juan)


(So that) you have


(informal Spain)


(So that) you all have


(Sra./Dr. García)


(So that) he/she/you have



(So that) they/you all have

2. Common Irregular Past Participles

Here are some common verbs with irregular past participles that you will need to use in the present subjunctive perfect tense:

InfinitivePast ParticipleEnglish Equivalent
abrir (to open)abiertoopened
decir (to say)dichosaid
escribir (to write)escritowritten
hacer (to do/make)hechodone/made
morir (to die)muertodied
poner (to put)puestoput/placed
resolver (to resolve)resueltoresolved
romper (to break)rotobroken
ver (to see)vistoseen
volver (to return)vueltoreturned

3. Using the Present Subjunctive Perfect Tense with Irregular Verbs

The present subjunctive perfect tense is used in sentences with a main clause (the subjunctive trigger) and a subordinate clause (the subjunctive perfect verb). When using irregular verbs, apply the irregular past participles as shown above to express doubt, emotion, or possibility about completed actions.

Click here to review the subjunctive triggers.


  • Dudo que él haya dicho la verdad.
    (I doubt that he has told the truth.)

  • Es posible que ellos hayan escrito una carta al director.
    (It’s possible that they have written a letter to the director.)

  • Me alegra que tú hayas hecho tu trabajo.
    (I’m glad that you have done your work.)

4. Practice Exercise

Complete the following sentences using the correct form of haber and the irregular past participle of the verb in parentheses:

  1. Es probable que tú __________ (abrir) las ventanas esta mañana.
  2. Dudo que ellos __________ (hacer) la tarea antes de clase.
  3. Me sorprende que ella __________ (decir) eso en la reunión.
  4. Es posible que nosotros __________ (ver) esa película antes.
  5. Espero que ustedes __________ (volver) de su viaje ya.


  1. Es probable que tú hayas abierto las ventanas esta mañana. (It’s likely that you have opened the windows this morning.)
  2. Dudo que ellos hayan hecho la tarea antes de clase. (I doubt that they have done the homework before class.)
  3. Me sorprende que ella haya dicho eso en la reunión. (It surprises me that she has said that in the meeting.)
  4. Es posible que nosotros hayamos visto esa película antes. (It’s possible that we have seen that movie before.)
  5. Espero que ustedes hayan vuelto de su viaje ya. (I hope that you all have returned from your trip already.)

The present subjunctive perfect tense with irregular verbs allows you to express complex ideas about completed actions with doubt, emotions, and other subjunctive triggers. By mastering these irregular forms and practicing their use in the present subjunctive perfect tense, you will be able to communicate more accurately and confidently in Spanish. Keep practicing these forms to solidify your understanding and improve your fluency!