Brain Boost - Perfect Tenses: Present, Past, and Future
Sections 17-18: Compound Tenses - Spanish Conditional and Subjunctive Perfect
Brain Boost - Perfect Tenses: Present, past, future, conditional, & subjunctive
Sections 19-20: Compound Tenses - Spanish Past Subjunctive, Past Preterite Perfect
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Sentence Practice: Spanish Present Subjunctive Perfect – Reflexive

Here, you can practice sentences and conjugations with Spanish Present Subjunctive Perfect Reflexive verbs. Take a minute to learn from these examples. Similar questions will show up in the next digital quiz. Have fun! πŸ™‚ 


1. ¿No crees que él _______________ (haber levantarse) temprano para su cita?
2. No, yo no pienso que él _______________ (haber levantarse) porque no llega tarde siempre.
3. ¿No piensan ellas que él _______________ (haber irse) antes de que empezara la reunión?
4. No, ellas no creen que él _______________ (haber quedarse) para escuchar toda la presentación.
5. ¿Te preocupa que ellos _______________ (haber caerse) en la montaña?
6. Sí, me preocupa que ellos _______________ (haber caerse) porque el camino estaba resbaladizo.
7. ¿No crees que él _______________ (haber divertirse) en la fiesta?
8. No, no creo que él _______________ (haber divertirse) porque estaba solo.
9. ¿Por qué dudas que yo _______________ (haber despertarse) a tiempo para el evento?
10. Dudo que tú _______________ (haber despertarse) porque era muy temprano.

Answer Key:

1. se haya levantado: Don’t you think he has gotten up early for his appointment?
2. se haya levantado: No, I don’t think he has gotten up because he always arrives late.
3. se haya ido: Don’t they think he has left before the meeting started?
4. se haya quedado: No, they don’t believe he has stayed to hear the entire presentation.
5. se hayan caído: Are you worried that they have fallen on the mountain?
6. se hayan caído: Yes, I am worried that they have fallen because the path was slippery.
7. se haya divertido: Don’t you think he has had fun at the party?
8. se haya divertido: No, I don’t think he has had fun because he was alone.
9. me haya despertado: Why do you doubt that I have woken up on time for the event?
10. te hayas despertado: I doubt that you have woken up because it was very early.