Review the words in the game (you will be quizzed on 12 random verbs and tenses each time you play): Lavarse (to wash oneself), Ponerse (to put on oneself), Vestirse (to get dressed), Acordarse (to remember), Alegrarse (to be glad), Darse cuenta (to realize), Enamorarse (to fall in love), Enfermarse (to get sick), Preocuparse (to worry), Sentarse (to sit down), Caerse (to fall down), Sentirse (to feel), Aburrirse (to get bored), Divertirse (to have fun), Irse (to leave/go away), Despertarse (to wake up), Levantarse (to get up), Ducharse (to shower), Cepillarse (to brush [hair/teeth]), Peinarse (to comb one’s hair), Afeitarse (to shave), Maquillarse (to put on makeup), Acostarse (to go to bed), Relajarse (to relax)