Brain Boost: Present, Modal, and Reflexive Verbs
Section 5: Spanish Present Progressive Tense
Brain Boost: Present, Present Progressive, Reflexive Verbs
Section 6: Spanish Present Perfect
Brain Boost: Present, Present Perfect, Present Progressive
Section 7: Spanish Preterite Tense
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Sentence Review: Spanish verbs that change meaning as reflexives

Here, you will see examples of Spanish verbs as reflexive and non-reflexive verbs and how they change meaning in each. Take a minute to learn these examples. They will show up in the next quiz. Have fun!

  • Acordar vs. Acordarse

    • Ellos acordaron trabajar juntos. (They agreed to work together.)
    • Yo me acuerdo de nuestra primera cita. (I remember our first date.)
  • Comer vs. Comerse

    • Los niños comen frutas. (The children eat fruits.)
    • Los niños se comieron todas las galletas. (The children devoured all the cookies.)
  • Dormir vs. Dormirse

    • Él duerme en su cama. (He sleeps in his bed.)
    • Él se durmió viendo la televisión. (He fell asleep watching TV.)
  • Ir vs. Irse

    • Vamos al cine esta noche. (We are going to the movies tonight.)
    • Nos vamos de vacaciones mañana. (We are leaving for vacation tomorrow.)
  • Llevar vs. Llevarse

    • Ella lleva un sombrero. (She is wearing a hat.)
    • Me llevo estos libros a casa. (I am taking these books home.)
  • Parecer vs. Parecerse

    • La situación parece complicada. (The situation seems complicated.)
    • Te pareces mucho a tu madre. (You look a lot like your mother.)
  • Poner vs. Ponerse

    • Él pone el reloj en la mesa. (He puts the watch on the table.)
    • Me pongo nervioso antes de los exámenes. (I get nervous before exams.)
  • Volver vs. Volverse

    • Volvemos a las clases presenciales. (We are returning to in-person classes.)
    • Se volvió muy callado después del accidente. (He became very quiet after the accident.)