Brain Boost: Present, Preterite, Present Perfect
Section 8: Spanish Imperfect Tense
Brain Boost: Spanish Preterite and Imperfect
Section 9: Spanish Future Tense
Brain Boost: Present, Preterite, Future
Section 10: Spanish Conditional Tense
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Instruction: Spanish Future Tense – Irregular

In Spanish, while most verbs follow a regular pattern in the future tense, some commonly used verbs are irregular. These verbs undergo a stem change before adding the regular future tense endings. Despite these stem changes, the endings for irregular verbs are the same as for regular verbs. Let’s review them here:


- é


- emos

(Juana, Juan)

- ás


(informal Spain)

- éis


(Sra./Dr. García)

- á


- án

Understanding and memorizing these irregular verbs is important because they are frequently used in everyday conversation.

How to Conjugate an Irregular Verb in the Future Tense

Let’s take tener (to have) as an example to illustrate how to conjugate an irregular verb in the future tense.

  1. Identify the irregular stem: For tener, the irregular stem is tendr-.
  2. Add the future tense endings to the stem:



I will have



we will have

(Juana, Juan)


you will have


(informal Spain)


you all will have


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you will have



they/you all will have

Example Sentences:

  • Yo tendré una reunión importante mañana. (I will have an important meeting tomorrow.)
  • Nosotros tendremos que estudiar mucho para el examen. (We will have to study a lot for the exam.)

List of Irregular Verbs and Their Stems

Here is a list of common irregular verbs in the future tense, along with their stems and example sentences:

  1. Decirdir-

    • Yo diré la verdad. (I will tell the truth.)
    • Nosotros diremos qué pasó mañana. (We will say what happened tomorrow.)
  2. Hacerhar-

    • Yo haré mi tarea después de cenar. (I will do my homework after dinner.)
    • Ellos harán el trabajo juntos. (They will do the work together.)
  3. Poderpodr-

    • Yo podré ayudarte mañana. (I will be able to help you tomorrow.)
    • Nosotros podremos salir más tarde. (We will be able to leave later.)
  4. Ponerpondr-

    • Yo pondré la mesa para la cena. (I will set the table for dinner.)
    • Ellos pondrán las decoraciones en la sala. (They will put the decorations in the living room.)
  5. Venirvendr-

    • Yo vendré a tu casa más tarde. (I will come to your house later.)
    • Ellos vendrán a la fiesta el sábado. (They will come to the party on Saturday.)
  6. Salirsaldr-

    • Yo saldré temprano mañana. (I will leave early tomorrow.)
    • Nosotros saldremos después del trabajo. (We will go out after work.)
  7. Sabersabr-

    • Yo sabré la respuesta mañana. (I will know the answer tomorrow.)
    • Ellos sabrán qué hacer en esa situación. (They will know what to do in that situation.)
  8. Quererquerr-

    • Yo querré un café después de la cena. (I will want a coffee after dinner.)
    • Nosotros querremos salir a las ocho. (We will want to leave at eight.)
  9. Haberhabr-

    • Habrá una reunión mañana. (There will be a meeting tomorrow.)
    • No habrá tiempo suficiente. (There will not be enough time.)
  10. Cabercabr-

    • No cabré en el coche con todo el equipaje. (I will not fit in the car with all the luggage.)
    • El libro no cabrá en la mochila. (The book will not fit in the backpack.)
  1. Valervaldr-
    • Este coche valdrá mucho en el futuro. (This car will be worth a lot in the future.)
    • La entrada valdrá cien euros. (The ticket will cost one hundred euros.)
  1. Hacerhar-
    • Yo haré mi tarea después de cenar. (I will do my homework after dinner.)
    • Nosotros haremos una fiesta este sábado. (We will have a party this Saturday.)

Learning the irregular verbs in the future tense is essential for fluency in Spanish. These verbs often come up in everyday conversation, so memorizing their stems and practicing their conjugations will help you confidently discuss future plans, predictions, and possibilities. Keep practicing these forms to solidify your understanding of the future tense!