Brain Boost: Present, Preterite, Present Perfect
Section 8: Spanish Imperfect Tense
Brain Boost: Spanish Preterite and Imperfect
Section 9: Spanish Future Tense
Brain Boost: Present, Preterite, Future
Section 10: Spanish Conditional Tense
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Instruction: Spanish Future Tense – Reflexive

Introduction to Reflexive Verbs in the Future Tense

Reflexive verbs in Spanish are used when the subject of the verb is also the object, meaning the action is performed on oneself. When conjugating reflexive verbs in the future tense, you combine the reflexive pronoun with the future tense conjugation of the verb. Reflexive verbs in the future tense allow you to talk about actions you or others will perform on themselves at a later time.

Understanding how to use reflexive verbs in the future tense will help you discuss daily routines, personal care, and actions that will happen in the future.

How to Conjugate Reflexive Verbs in the Future Tense

To conjugate reflexive verbs in the future tense:

  1. Choose the appropriate reflexive pronoun:



First Person

me (myself)

nos (ourselves)

Second Person

(yourself - Juana/Pedro)

os (yourself informal – used mainly in Spain)

Third Person

se (himself)

se (herself)

se (yourself Sra./Sr. García)

se (they masculine/mixed)

se (they feminine)

se (you all)

Conjugate the verb in the future tense:

  • Keep the infinitive form of the verb.
  • Attach the reflexive pronoun to the end of the verb.
  • Add the future tense endings (below) directly to the infinitive.


- é


- emos

(Juana, Juan)

- ás


(informal Spain)

- éis


(Sra./Dr. García)

- á


- án

Example with the verb “levantarse” (to get up):


me levantaré

I will get up


nos levantarémos

we will get up

(Juana, Juan)

te levantarás

you will get up


(informal Spain)

os levantaréis (Spain)

you all will get up


(Sra./Dr. García)

se levantará

he/she/you will get up


se levantarán

they/you all will get up

Example Sentences:

  • Yo me levantaré temprano mañana. (I will get up early tomorrow.)
  • Ellos se levantarán para ir a la escuela. (They will get up to go to school.)

Examples of Common Reflexive Verbs in the Future Tense

Here are some common reflexive verbs and how they are conjugated in the future tense:

  1. Lavarse (to wash oneself)

    • Yo me lavaré las manos antes de comer. (I will wash my hands before eating.)
    • Ella se lavará el pelo mañana. (She will wash her hair tomorrow.)
  2. Acostarse (to go to bed)

    • Yo me acostaré a las diez esta noche. (I will go to bed at ten tonight.)
    • Nosotros nos acostaremos temprano. (We will go to bed early.)
  3. Vestirse (to get dressed)

    • te vestirás rápido antes de salir. (You will get dressed quickly before leaving.)
    • Ellos se vestirán para la fiesta. (They will get dressed for the party.)
  4. Despertarse (to wake up)

    • Yo me despertaré a las seis mañana. (I will wake up at six tomorrow.)
    • Nosotros nos despertaremos con el sol. (We will wake up with the sun.)
  5. Ducharse (to take a shower)

    • te ducharás después de correr. (You will take a shower after running.)
    • Él se duchará antes de ir al trabajo. (He will take a shower before going to work.)
  6. Sentarse (to sit down)

    • Yo me sentaré en la primera fila. (I will sit in the first row.)
    • Vosotros os sentaréis en el parque a descansar. (You all will sit in the park to rest.)
  7. Peinarse (to comb one’s hair)

    • Ella se peinará antes de salir. (She will comb her hair before leaving.)
    • Nosotros nos peinaremos después de la ducha. (We will comb our hair after the shower.)
  8. Relajarse (to relax)

    • Yo me relajaré después del trabajo. (I will relax after work.)
    • Ellos se relajarán en la playa durante las vacaciones. (They will relax on the beach during vacation.)

Using reflexive verbs in the future tense allows you to describe actions that you or others will perform on themselves in the future. By understanding how to conjugate these verbs, you can confidently discuss future routines, plans, and personal care activities. Keep practicing these forms to strengthen your understanding and fluency in using the future tense with reflexive verbs!