Brain Boost: Present, Preterite, Present Perfect
Section 8: Spanish Imperfect Tense
Brain Boost: Spanish Preterite and Imperfect
Section 9: Spanish Future Tense
Brain Boost: Present, Preterite, Future
Section 10: Spanish Conditional Tense
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Game: Spanish Informal Future (ir a + infinitive)

Review: Prep for the Game

Review the Spanish Informal future (ir a + infinitive) verb conjugations if needed. Also, here are the words to review for the gameIr a vender (to go to sell), Ir a cocinar (to go to cook), Ir a sonar (to go to sound), Ir a sugerir (to go to suggest), Ir a recibir (to go to receive), Ir a mostrar (to go to show), Ir a ganar (to go to win/earn), Ir a coger (to go to grab/take), Ir a comprender (to go to understand), Ir a ayudar (to go to help), Ir a acabar (to go to finish), Ir a preparar (to go to prepare)

Spanish Informal Future: ir a + infinitive