Brain Boost: Spanish Future and Conditional
Section 11: Past Progressive
Brain Boost: Spanish Past Progressive vs Imperfect
Section 12: Spanish Subjunctive
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Interleaved Game: Spanish Conditional, Future, and Imperfect

Review: Prep for the Game

Review the words in the game (you will be quizzed randomly on 12 questions which includes a combination of tenses and verbs below each time you play). Imperfect: Hablar (to speak), Ir (to go), Ser (to be – permanent), Ver, (to see) Comer (to eat), Vivir (to live) Future: Poder (to be able to/can), Decir (to say/tell), Saber (to know), tomar (to eat), caminar (to walk), escuchar (to listen) Conditional: Hacer (to do/make), Poder (to be able to/can), Salir (to leave), Ir (to go), Pagar (to pay), Venir (to come)

Interleaved (mixed) Game:
Spanish Conditional, Future, Imperfect